
This page allows you to register for the AnaEE General Assembly

This page allows you to register for the AnaEE General Assembly

Participant Package: (free) Registration for the AnaEE General Assembly (1 registration per person) includes Breaks, lunches on March 18-19 and 20, 2024, dinner on March 18, 2024, Sétois cocktail dinner on March 19, 2024

Accompanying package: (350€) includes the room shared with that of the participant who is a member of AnaEE or the guest, meals and breakfasts.

If you do not wish to register for a workshop, click directly on the link below "Registration form".

If you wish to register for a workshop, go to the page titled “Submission”, create an account, and follow the instructions received by email to connect to your space and be able to submit your abstract.

If you have already submitted a workshop registration and already have an account, click "Log in" to access your space and register.