Choice and suggestions for workshops

1. AnaEE ERIC: needs and expectations of the platforms integrated into AnaEE Europe with respect to the ERIC, sharing information concerning the activities of the ERIC and articulation with those of AnaEE France.

2. In natura experimental sites: what specificities, what services? Discussion on the current organization of in natura experimentation systems to better understand their diversity and common points, as well as the services that can be provided on instrumented in natura experimentation sites.

3. Prospective for in natura experimental sites: discussion around the evolution of experimental in natura sites with regard to the major scientific, technological, climatic and societal issues of tomorrow.

4. Use of containment enclosures for the study of climate change: exchange around the methods developed by AnaEE devices in experimentation on ecosystems using containment enclosures.

5. Analytical science fronts: joint reflection on the issues, technological innovations and prospects of interest for AnaEE France analytical platforms.

6. Gaps in the landscape of AnaEE experimental platforms:  identification of the gaps and needs of the infrastructure in the different thematic and technical fields covered by platform communities.

7. The GREEN-omics national thematic network: presentation of the “Genomics Research for Eco-Evolution and eNvironment” thematic network and reflection on the involvement of AnaEE France platforms in this network.

8. Digital: mobilization of data for their interoperability and publication: discussion on the use of AnaEE France tools for the publication of interoperable datasets and information on current actions in order to propose “use cases”

9. Collec-Science, information system for sample management: presentation of Collec-Science and its main functionalities, and discussion on the possibilities of using Collec-Science at the individual level and at the infrastructure level.